micro:bit and SHT21 humidity and temperature sensor example
The digital SHT2x humidity sensor series is used in high volumes in a wide variety of applications and has today become the de facto industry standard. The SHT2x series consists of a low-cost version with the SHT20 humidity sensor, a standard version with the SHT21 humidity sensor, and a high-end version with the SHT25 humidity sensor. The open cavity mold package – which encapsulates the complete chip except for the humidity sensor area – protects the capacitive humidity sensor against external impact and facilitates excellent long-term stability. The SHT2x sensors are available both in large and small volumes.This is the breakout for the sensor that I bought.
The SHT2x humidity sensor series contains a capacitive-type humidity sensor, a band-gap temperature sensor, and specialized analog and digital integrated circuits – all on a single CMOSens® chip. This yields superior sensor performance in terms of accuracy and stability as well as minimal power consumption.
Here is a simple schematic, again be careful as Vcc is 3.3v with this device
I used the following library – https://github.com/markbeee/SHT21
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include <Wire.h> #include "SHT21.h" SHT21 SHT21; void setup() { SHT21.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.print("Humidity(%RH): "); Serial.print(SHT21.getHumidity()); Serial.print(" Temperature(C): "); Serial.println(SHT21.getTemperature()); delay(1000); }
Humidity(%RH): 39.43 Temperature(C): 20.85
Humidity(%RH): 39.49 Temperature(C): 20.83
Humidity(%RH): 39.77 Temperature(C): 22.19
Humidity(%RH): 40.14 Temperature(C): 23.34
Humidity(%RH): 40.51 Temperature(C): 24.21
Humidity(%RH): 40.78 Temperature(C): 24.26
Humidity(%RH): 40.87 Temperature(C): 24.09
Humidity(%RH): 40.90 Temperature(C): 23.91
these come in at about $5 for a useful breakout board with this sensor
New SHT21 Digital Humidity And Temperature Sensor Module Replace