Microbit and TSL2591 light-to-digital converter example

In this article we look at another light-to-digital converter – this time its the TSL2591 and we will connect it to our Microbit

First lets look at the sensor

The TSL2591 is a very high sensitivity light-to-digital converter that transforms light intensity into a digital signal output capable of direct I2C interface. The device combines one broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared) and one infrared-responding photodiode on a single CMOS integrated circuit.

Two integrating ADCs convert the photodiode currents into a digital output that represents the irradiance measured on each channel.

This digital output can be input to a microprocessor where illuminance (ambient light level) in lux is derived using an empirical formula to approximate the human eye response. The TSL2591 supports a traditional level style interrupt that remains asserted until the firmware clears it


  • Highest sensitivity to 188µLux
  • Patented dual-diode architecture
  • 600M:1 dynamic range
  • Programmable interrupt function
  • UV-rejection package

This is the breakout I bought

Parts Required

Once again for ease of use I connect an expansion board to the microbit, I feel this makes it easier to connect to a sensor like the one pictured above using connecting wire

Name Link
Microbit BBC Micro:bit Micro-Controller with Motion Detection, Compass, LED Display and Bluetooth
TSL2591 TSL2591 Optical Light Sensor Development Board High Dynamic Digital Light Sensor Module
Connecting wire Free shipping Dupont line 120pcs 20cm male to male + male to female and female to female jumper wire
expansion board Microbit expansion board


microbit and tsl2591
microbit and tsl2591

Code Example

This uses the library from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2591_Library

This is the default example

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

/* TSL2591 Digital Light Sensor */
/* Dynamic Range: 600M:1 */
/* Maximum Lux: 88K */

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include "Adafruit_TSL2591.h"

// Example for demonstrating the TSL2591 library - public domain!

// connect SCL to I2C Clock
// connect SDA to I2C Data
// connect Vin to 3.3-5V DC
// connect GROUND to common ground

Adafruit_TSL2591 tsl = Adafruit_TSL2591(2591); // pass in a number for the sensor identifier (for your use later)

    Displays some basic information on this sensor from the unified
    sensor API sensor_t type (see Adafruit_Sensor for more information)
void displaySensorDetails(void)
  sensor_t sensor;
  Serial.print  (F("Sensor:       ")); Serial.println(sensor.name);
  Serial.print  (F("Driver Ver:   ")); Serial.println(sensor.version);
  Serial.print  (F("Unique ID:    ")); Serial.println(sensor.sensor_id);
  Serial.print  (F("Max Value:    ")); Serial.print(sensor.max_value); Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Min Value:    ")); Serial.print(sensor.min_value); Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Resolution:   ")); Serial.print(sensor.resolution, 4); Serial.println(F(" lux"));  

    Configures the gain and integration time for the TSL2591
void configureSensor(void)
  // You can change the gain on the fly, to adapt to brighter/dimmer light situations
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_LOW);    // 1x gain (bright light)
  tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_MED);      // 25x gain
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH);   // 428x gain
  // Changing the integration time gives you a longer time over which to sense light
  // longer timelines are slower, but are good in very low light situtations!
  //tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS);  // shortest integration time (bright light)
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS);  // longest integration time (dim light)

  /* Display the gain and integration time for reference sake */  
  Serial.print  (F("Gain:         "));
  tsl2591Gain_t gain = tsl.getGain();
    case TSL2591_GAIN_LOW:
      Serial.println(F("1x (Low)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MED:
      Serial.println(F("25x (Medium)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH:
      Serial.println(F("428x (High)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MAX:
      Serial.println(F("9876x (Max)"));
  Serial.print  (F("Timing:       "));
  Serial.print((tsl.getTiming() + 1) * 100, DEC); 
  Serial.println(F(" ms"));

    Program entry point for the Arduino sketch
void setup(void) 
  Serial.println(F("Starting Adafruit TSL2591 Test!"));
  if (tsl.begin()) 
    Serial.println(F("Found a TSL2591 sensor"));
    Serial.println(F("No sensor found ... check your wiring?"));
    while (1);
  /* Display some basic information on this sensor */
  /* Configure the sensor */

  // Now we're ready to get readings ... move on to loop()!

    Shows how to perform a basic read on visible, full spectrum or
    infrared light (returns raw 16-bit ADC values)
void simpleRead(void)
  // Simple data read example. Just read the infrared, fullspecrtrum diode 
  // or 'visible' (difference between the two) channels.
  // This can take 100-600 milliseconds! Uncomment whichever of the following you want to read
  uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_VISIBLE);
  //uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_FULLSPECTRUM);
  //uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_INFRARED);

  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("Luminosity: "));
  Serial.println(x, DEC);

    Show how to read IR and Full Spectrum at once and convert to lux
void advancedRead(void)
  // More advanced data read example. Read 32 bits with top 16 bits IR, bottom 16 bits full spectrum
  // That way you can do whatever math and comparisons you want!
  uint32_t lum = tsl.getFullLuminosity();
  uint16_t ir, full;
  ir = lum >> 16;
  full = lum & 0xFFFF;
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("IR: ")); Serial.print(ir);  Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Full: ")); Serial.print(full); Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Visible: ")); Serial.print(full - ir); Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Lux: ")); Serial.println(tsl.calculateLux(full, ir), 6);

    Performs a read using the Adafruit Unified Sensor API.
void unifiedSensorAPIRead(void)
  /* Get a new sensor event */ 
  sensors_event_t event;
  /* Display the results (light is measured in lux) */
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(event.timestamp); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  if ((event.light == 0) |
      (event.light > 4294966000.0) | 
      (event.light <-4294966000.0))
    /* If event.light = 0 lux the sensor is probably saturated */
    /* and no reliable data could be generated! */
    /* if event.light is +/- 4294967040 there was a float over/underflow */
    Serial.println(F("Invalid data (adjust gain or timing)"));
    Serial.print(event.light); Serial.println(F(" lux"));

    Arduino loop function, called once 'setup' is complete (your own code
    should go here)
void loop(void) 
  // unifiedSensorAPIRead();




Open the serial monitor and you should see something like this

Starting Adafruit TSL2591 Test!
Found a TSL2591 sensor
Sensor: TSL2591
Driver Ver: 1
Unique ID: 2591
Max Value: 88000.00 lux
Min Value: 0.00 lux
Resolution: 0.0010 lux

Gain: 25x (Medium)
Timing: 300 ms

[ 1287 ms ] IR: 1580 Full: 5023 Visible: 3443 Lux: 128.383667
[ 2217 ms ] IR: 1594 Full: 5123 Visible: 3529 Lux: 132.244583
[ 3147 ms ] IR: 1597 Full: 5136 Visible: 3539 Lux: 132.658463
[ 4077 ms ] IR: 1600 Full: 5145 Visible: 3545 Lux: 132.875839





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