In this article, we connect a KY-018 LDR to our Microbit - we will use Makecode and show the JaavScript and Python output as well The KY-018 is a Photoresistor.
In this article, we connect a KY-029 Dual Color LED to our Microbit - we will use Makecode and show the JavaScript and Python output as well The KY-009 RGB.
In this article, we connect an KY-011 Dual Color LED to our Microbit - we will use Makecode and show the JaavScript and Python output as well. The KY-011 Dual.
In this article, we connect an KY-020 Tilt switch from the ever popular 37 sensor kit to a Microbit The KY-023 is a very basic tilt switch Depending on the.
In this article we look at another barometric pressure sensor - this time its the DPS310 and we will connect it to our Microbit and see what it can do.
In this article we look at another UV Light Sensor - this time its the LTR390 and we will connect it to our Microbit and see what it can do.