
In this example we decided to play about with a Neopixel ring again but this time all of the examples are created using the Microsoft Make:code editor - https://makecode.microbit.org Neopixel are basically Ws2812B - here is a reminder of what these are WS2812B is a intelligent...
The MLX90615 is a miniature infrared thermometer for non-contact temperature measurements. Both the IR sensitive thermopile detector chip and the signal conditioning ASIC are integrated in the same miniature TO-46 can. The infrared thermometer comes factory calibrated with a digital SMBus output giving full access...
In this article we look at a Mini Piano Module that you can connect to your micro:bit. The module uses a TTP229 which has 13 touch keys connected to it through an I2C interface, the board also has 4 WS2812B RGB LEDs fitted to it which...
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