
In this article we look at the TMP102 digital sensor and we will connect it up to a Micro:bit, again the code is written in the Arduino IDE The TMP102 device is a digital temperature sensor ideal for NTC/PTC thermistor replacement where high accuracy is...
The Si4702/03 FM radio receiver family increases the ease and attractiveness of adding FM radio reception to mobile devices through small size and board area, minimum component count, flexible programmability, and superior, proven performance. The highly flexible functionality of these ICs caters to the subjective...
Sense the world around you with enviro:bit! It's loaded with sensors for air and weather, colour and light, and sound, and slots right onto your microbit. Just slot in your micro:bit, then code enviro:bit with the block-based Microsoft MakeCode editor, or with MicroPython in the Mu...
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