Microbit RGB led using C Plus Plus
We will look at how you can use C++ to write programs for your Micro:bit, there is an online compiler you use and we will show you how to access this and show a simple program
Visit developer.mbed.org and create an account, its free
Now you nee to add support fo the Micro:bit, to do this you visit the micro:bit platform page and add the micro:bit to your compiler by clicking the “Add to your mbed compiler” button down the right hand side of the page
Open the online idea, select New -> New program. there are 3 sample templates -> select the micro:bit DAL option
Click the Compile button. A hex file will be saved to your computer.
Copy the file to your Micro:bit, the orange LED on the the micro:bit will flash; it will stop flashing when the download is complete.
Your code will be now be running on your Micro:bit
We will now change this to run with the RGB led example
Replace the default code with the following, this simply cycles through the RED, Green and blue led’s.
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include "MicroBit.h" MicroBit uBit; int main() { // Initialise the micro:bit runtime. uBit.init(); while(1) { uBit.io.P0.setDigitalValue(1); uBit.io.P1.setDigitalValue(1); uBit.io.P2.setDigitalValue(1); // red on uBit.io.P0.setDigitalValue(0); uBit.sleep(1000); uBit.io.P0.setDigitalValue(1); uBit.sleep(1000); // green on uBit.io.P1.setDigitalValue(0); uBit.sleep(1000); uBit.io.P1.setDigitalValue(1); uBit.sleep(1000); // blue on uBit.io.P2.setDigitalValue(0); uBit.sleep(1000); uBit.io.P2.setDigitalValue(1); uBit.sleep(1000); } }